Kronberg Academy Announces Prizewinners for Violin Masterclasses & Concerts
Eight of the 60 participants in the Kronberg Academy’s biannual series of Violin Masterclasses & Concerts won prizes this year
The prizes included three sponsorship awards — the Prince of Hesse Prize, the Ana Chumachenco Award, and the Manfred Grommek Prize — that each amount to €5000, which is intended to help the musicians with artist and career development
Prince of Hesse Prize:
- Geneva Lewis (New Zealand, USA)
- Javier Comesaña (Spain)
Ana Chumachenco Award:
- Kaori Furusawa (Japan)
- Vassily Chmykov (France)
Manfred Grommek Prize:
- Carla Marrero Martínez (Spain)
- Anna Agafia Egholm (Denmark)
Additionally, Maya Wichert (Germany) and Carolin Grün (Deutschland) were given scholarships for a future masterclass at the Kronberg Academy.
This year’s events took place between June 13-20 and featured prominent faculty including Ana Chumachenco, Mauricio Fuks, Mihaela Martin, and Pavel Vernikov. The next masterclass and concert series was first held in 2009, and the next series will take place in 2023.
The Kronberg Academy is an educational institution based in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany, known for its focus on high-level chamber music through concerts, a festival, and other projects each year.
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