VC VOX POP | What Are Your Resolutions for 2021?
The Violin Channel asked a number of esteemed musicians and music industry professionals for their New Year’s resolutions
French violinist Pierre Amoyal:
I would like to communicate to my students with energy and motivation, helping them face the new difficulties of the music world, and explore the great potential of teaching online.
I would like to continue discovering the formidable intelligence of my teacher Jascha Heifetz in his scales system, which help make practicing a real joy.
I also intend not to increase the length of our everyday walk of ten kilometers in the forests and mountains around Salzburg with the dogs because they are getting tired...
Canadian violin soloist James Ehnes:
I want to do whatever I can to keep live music going in any way possible, and to keep myself and my colleagues working.
Founder of Kirshbaum Associates, publicist and artist manager Shirley Kirshbaum:
I don't want to take for granted the communal experience of a live performance shared with an audience.
I would like to focus on possibilities and creativity, and lose the Covid pounds....
Violinist, violist, and conductor Maxim Vengerov:
In 2021, I am finally feeling ready to record all sonatas and partitas by Bach.
My second resolution is to lose some weight.
Vienna Philharmonic Concertmaster, VC Artist Fedor Rudin:
In 2021, I will invest more time and energy in mental and physical health activities, including practicing scales!
Founder and head of publicity at Bucklesweet, Amanda Sweet:
My resolution is to keep the creativity alive amongst my team and continue to find new and unique ways to promote our clients. I plan to work with others in the arts to help rebuild our industry and make it more sustainable.
Personally, this past year taught me to be more present in day to day life and less harried and reactionary. I’d like to take that into the new year. I also plan to get back into exercising more regularly and taking better care of myself.
President & CEO of the Heifetz International Music Institute, Benjamin Roe:
As tempting, and easy, it would be to write off 2020 as a “lost year” for all of us in the arts, my resolution for 2021 is to remember, nurture, and embrace the positive developments that occurred – whether they are craftily deliberate or crazily random in our world, communities, and especially within ourselves.
It is my hope that when the moment arrives for us all to reunite in the concert hall, our shared experience of these difficult days will make us better artists, and more importantly, better people.
Japanese violinist Mayuko Kamio:
I would like to give back to the community that raised me and supported me through the hell that was 2020!
Owner and President of Reuning & Son Violins, Christopher Reuning:
As I contemplate my resolutions for 2021 at the end of a most difficult year, I find myself looking back instead of forward and feeling both gratitude and sorrow for the year now ending. Gratitude is for the blessings of family and friends which were strengthened during challenging times. Sorrow is for the people so harshly affected by the pandemic, those on the front lines of the battle and those who are suffering in health or financial crises.
In my world, I am especially aware of the musicians whose lives and artistic expressions are so deeply affected. Nevertheless, the new year promises hope for fresh beginnings which will be more deeply appreciated because of the challenges we have endured.
President & CEO of Colbert Artists, Lee Printz:
In such a crazy time, we all have a collective resolution to continue to weather this storm in our lives. A personal goal for me has been to try to be as supportive and encouraging to our artists and colleagues as possible. That will continue to be my biggest resolution into the new year.
An important lesson I learned from our former owner, Charlotte Schroeder, is that our field is stronger together and I very much hope to continue that sentiment.
Canadian violinist Lara St John:
I would like to get a driver's license and teach my iguana to air conduct. I think he's coming along. He seems to like Mahler.
Cellist Sophia Bacelar:
My resolution is to be kind, curious, and equilibrial — and to stop buying more books before I’ve finished those I’ve started (although that’s been a lifelong losing battle)!
Director of International Sales at J&A Beares, Maja Wegrzynowska:
Until public concerts resume, I will continue to host classical music soirées at home as I strongly believe in the un-replicable magic of live performance and the importance of supporting artists.
I will also continue to match the owners of the finest instruments with talented musicians, introduce music lovers to this world of patronage, and facilitate long-lasting musical friendships, as we need joy in our lives more than ever!
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